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October 2024

The colours and textures of Autumn

So many pictures to choose this month, but this one was very popular so I decided to go with it.
When I make or I teach wreath making we use a base that has been weaved by hand from organic matter. I love this process, I have taught the technic to many who are now doing it similar.
Autumn is a time to celebrate the colours and textures before we all get caught up with the sparkly stuff that comes only to soon.
the seasons come and go so quickly, stop and saver each one.........

September 2024


This year has not been the best for preserving hydrangeas, early hot weather then very wet. To top it all Septembers heavy dew and the hottest days this Summer, scorching there little heads.
I still found some hidden treasures, by delving in deep there were some beautiful heads to be found.
These are drying nicely in a sip of water which will evaporate and leave crisp dry heads ready for Autumn wreaths and arrangements,

August 2024

Little Gestures

autumn wreath

I cant remember how many gesture posies I have created this last month. Dinner dates, coffee chats, just because posies. all I know is they always go down really well.

There is always something in the garden or our beautiful surroundings to make that little something for someone. I have a workshop coming up in September if you would like some tips on how to put a smile on someone's face.



July 2024

After six weeks of very dry weather, a wedding to pick for I am always amazed with the flowers I can conjure up.
These flowers were picked for a demonstration evening, using a flower pin and chicken wire.

When I demonstrate I like to include conditioning tips, using Hydrangea in this arrangement, always a tricky one, at a blink of an eye they can flop if they choose to. Always a worry if  a bride chooses this beautiful flower.
I am always drawn to the muted colours of lavenders, crimson and blues........

June 2024

From the cutting Garden

The cutting garden is now filling up nicely, perennials and annuals sown in the Autumn are now loving the warmer, longer days, with the spring sowings following on...
In the Moth House the workshops are starting again. I like to collect vintage vases when possible for the vase workshops.

Mostly using chicken wire or pins and sometimes Agra wool which is a biodegradable substance that certainly takes some getting use to but worth it in the end............

May 2024

New path to The Moth House

Its been a busy month, through the last couple of winters the walk to the Moth House has been a muddy track. Lots of thought about the right sort of path has gone on. In the end we decided on a traditional old reclaimed brick path.
Its been hard work but we feel it blends into our Victorian home nicely, it needs to weather in a little and the plants need to soften the edges but all in all we are very happy......

April 2024

Celebration of the Tulip

April is a month to celebrate the Tulip.
We plant them blind in Autumn, hope and pray they are not dug up by squirrels, eaten by mice or get to damp through the winter months, so when finally they pop through and flower late April it is a time to celebrate....

Tulips carry on flowering once cut, they are the perfect flower teamed up with wallflowers and blossom to create the Dutch Masters look. Like in the picture, they will follow the light and travel to make the most interesting arrangement....

March 2024

Floristry workshops

A month of work shops, weaving bouquet surrounds, and filling with spring cut flowers.
Pot et Fleurs, for mothers day, this we made in a bowl using chicken wire, some flowers in water and some plants that can be planted in the garden for year after year enjoyment.

The green house is in full swing now, growing flowers for weddings and workshops....

Now to get ready for Easter....
photo this month is of my inside studio ready for a workshop.....

February 2024


February is a great month to take advantage of green sticks, before they burst into leaf.
The weaving bouquet holders work shop was so popular I am adding another at the end of the month.
As you can see in the picture, this one being willow, while green can be bent into many structures. Other good materials are, birch, hazel, blossom, dog wood, anything as long as its green.
enjoy the seasons as they come, think ahead, the frame works made now could come in handy later in the year.


January 2024

Happy New Year

A New Year and lots of new ideas for workshops.

I will be starting new workshops from the beginning of February. A return of my floristry course which has proved very popular this last year, with other workshops for intermediate's  who want to learn a few more technical ticks of the trade.

Watch out on my Instagram page, this is where I advertise up and coming events, or please email me if there is something you would like to learn.

December 2023

Wreath making is now in full swing

Apart from demonstrations I refuse to make or hold wreath workshops until December.

I have been invited to demonstrate for Christmas at some lovely venues over the Island this season, giving people ideas of a foam free Christmas, inspiring them with ideas using wire and branch work structures for interest.

My wreath workshops I am so grateful and happy to say are now sold out for this year.

Wishing you all a very floral Christmas.


November 2023

So much to do

Did I miss Autumn completely? I have so much still to do, bulbs still to get in, the garden to put to bed for the winter, plus workshop's which I am really late in putting on my website.

Check list:

1: workshop dates

2: sow sweet peas

3: finish planting bulbs and mulch garden

4: decide if I am lifting or mulching my Dahlias

5: prep for Christmas work shops and demos.

I love my new life!!!!!


October 2023

Autumn Wreath

This summer I grew from seed a selection of everlasting flowers and grasses. collecting and drying and a little foraging the Moth House is full of Autumn treasures awaiting Autumn wreath workshops.

The wreath is made from honeysuckle branches, if you make these now and store somewhere dry they will last for Christmas and Easter wreaths too. Clematis is also good for wreaths as is any green wood that will bend into shape.

Floristry is all about looking ahead to the next season.

September 2023

Dye Pot

 Something I have always wanted to do, dye my own ribbons.

For my birthday I received a book on using the cutting garden and the natural dye`s that come from foliage's, berries and flowers to colour my own ribbons. In the picture I have used, Lemon verbena, Ribes berries and Buddleia. In the pot at the moment I have Myrtle, not sure what I will get from it yet but the process is fun. My list of to-do`s are Calendula, Avocado skins and stones, Eucalyptus, lavender and thyme. 

I am always being inspired my nature and what it gives.


August 2023

Seeds, heads and pods.

Before the summer is over I am already looking ahead to the next season.

the spent flowers of early summer will now give their seeds for next years flowers, seed-heads and pods will be hung and dried for Autumn and Christmas arrangement's and workshops.

August and especially this year with the drought is my least favourite month in the garden, I find it hard to be inspired with a feeling of disappointment. This year in particular but soon the rain will come and all will come alive again.

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